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Entertainment Columns

‘Happy!’ is full of bloody mayhem — and a flying blue unicorn

Anyone can put sexual predators behind bars — at least on TV, anyway — so it’s surprising, if not downright disappointing, that “Law Order: SVU” was able to hide Christopher Meloni’s gonzo, testosterone-fueled light under its crime-procedural bushel for 12 seasons.

‘Who Killed Tupac?’ investigation seems flawed at best

I didn’t make it through all six episodes of “Who Killed Tupac?” (9 p.m. Tuesday, AE), but I’m going to assume it doesn’tcrack the 21-year-old case.

Netflix looks to disrupt Oscar tradition with powerful ‘Mudbound’

The streaming giant is releasing “Mudbound” — one of the most buzzed-about movies this year at Sundance — in just 17 theaters for Oscar qualifying purposes on Nov. 17, the same day you can watch it for free on your phone.