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How much protein do you need when exercising?

Judging by all the protein bars, shakes and powders out there, you could be led to believe you need a protein supplement.

Savvy Senior: Tips for arranging to have a green funeral

Green funeral options are becoming increasingly popular as more and more Americans are looking for environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional funerals

Freewheeling excursions help Keri Russell outrun stress

Keri Russell does not want the limo. She doesn’t even accept an Uber. On the way to the interview, she’s on two wheels, biking through the streets of Manhattan.

Study links loss of Y chromosomes to earlier death in men

In a recent study, scientists have found that not only do chromosomes provide the building blocks of human life, they may also play an integral role in fighting disease.

Savvy Senior: The hidden danger of untreated heartburn

It’s estimated that more than 60 million Americans experience heartburn at least once a month, with around 15 million people suffering from it daily.