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Busy but balanced, Kate Hudson embraces laughter and joy

The 43-year-old actress admits to being a bundle of nerves before the “Glass Onion” premiere — “It wasn’t until the first explosion of laughter that I calmed down.”

What are the surgical options to treat sleep apnea?

People with sleep apnea not only suffer from lack of restorative sleep. They also are at risk of many medical problems, including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Savvy Senior: How to reduce your medical bills

Medical debt has unfortunately become a chronic problem in this country. To help you slash your health care bills, here are some tips recommended by experts.

Rita Moreno shows no signs of slowing or quieting down

Take things easy? Not in this lifetime. The 91-year-old Moreno is busier than ever with a new holiday movie out, plus a role opposite fellow legends Jane Fonda and Sally Field.

Heart-healthy precautions to take during the holidays

Songwriters like to tell us this is the most wonderful time of the year. But according to the American Heart Association, this is the season when we’re most likely to die of cardiac disease.

Huge US study starts sharing gene findings with volunteers

More than 155,000 Americans who shared their DNA for science are about to learn something in return: Do they have some particularly worrisome genes?

Strategies to cope with holiday stress and anxiety

If the holiday season doesn’t agree with you, emotionally speaking, you’re not alone. One survey found that 38 percent of people “feel more stress during the holidays.”

Helen Mirren embraces change, ignores the rules

“I believe life is about constantly conquering your own fears by putting yourself in ridiculous situations,” the 77-year-old screen icon says. “You can’t overthink it. You just have to do it.”

How much protein is enough? The answer’s not so easy

Protein is the foundation of every cell in the body. But determining the adequate amount of protein to consume depends on several factors.

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