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Las Vegas doctor Dale Carrison has a background like no other

Dr. Dale Carrison is 77 and still going strong. An admitted screw-up as a young man, he become a sheriff’s deputy and an FBI agent, then an auto parts salesman. A monster midlife crisis turned him into a doctor.

Giving the gift of life — that’s what friends are for

After Brandon Moran came down with an illness that forced him onto dialysis, his friend Jacob McCulloch decided to see if he could donate a kidney to Moran, which would allow him to live a normal life.

Nevada’s spending for mental health services low compared to neighboring states

According to the State Mental Health Agency, in 2013, Nevada spent about $89 on mental health services per capita — a 13 percent increase from 2007, when it was about $79 per capita. On average, the U.S. spends $119 per capita on services, including $160 per capita in California and $205 in Arizona.

Receiving a degree in social work in Nevada requires extra schooling

When Lois moved here from California, she expected to get a therapist’s license with no problem. After all, she had a master’s degree in marriage family therapy (MFT) and art therapy. But the board denied her application. She needed more training to practice in Nevada.

Officials say Las Vegas Medical District’s economic vital signs improving

A slow but steady journey with occasional spurts of impressive growth — that’s how Las Vegas Deputy City Manager Scott Adams sees the future of the Las Vegas Medical District now that the UNLV School of Medicine is becoming a reality.