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What helps wounded Iraq war vets can help boomers

Diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury and post traumatic stress after surviving rocket attacks in Iraq, retired Air Force Major Anthony Jones says the kind of injuries he received should not be treated only will pills, but also with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, exercise and engagment in the world.

Medical center’s CEO has fresh look

He hadn’t even come into the world yet in the ’70s when the first test tube baby was born, when CAT scans were invented.

Being a surrogate a matter of choice

If Thelma French lived in Michigan instead of Las Vegas, chances are good she’d be facing five years in prison and a $50,000 fine for what she laughingly calls “renting my uterus.”

Honoring the living, as long as he can

It should have been a wonderful time for Dr. Dale Carrison.
But as he received an award for contributions to the community, he knew that the business of medicine too often had gotten in the way of keeping in close touch with friends and family.

Did state board go easy on Las Vegas doctor?

When the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners undertook an investigation of his practice, Dr. Ralph Conti knew how to act in his best interest.
He thumbed his nose at the agency, not once but twice –in both 2008 and 2010.