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Pruning wounds begin healing minutes after cut

Major pruning of ornamental trees and shrubs is done during the winter months after leaves have fallen. Minor pruning (making a single cut with a hand pruner) can be done anytime.

Citrus plants have different tolerances to winter cold

There are two strikes against citrus growing well in the Mojave Desert. The first is their variable tolerance to freezing temperatures during the winter. The second strike is that oftentimes citrus trees flower in early spring when very light freezing temperatures are possible. Tolerance to these freezing temperatures is practically nil.

Wet soil or mulch against tree trunk can cause collar rot

Q: The leaves on my fig tree appear burned after this rain. I foliar sprayed it with neem oil and soap and fish protein isolate. These trees were planted last fall and mulched with 1 foot of woodchips and looked amazing until now. They are watered three times each week in the summer.

Cut cactus arms can be replanted

Q: Look what my husband did? He cut my saguaro below the seams before consulting with me. I know it looked kind of sick (the tree, not my husband), but he cut it. I am going to cut those chunks all the way down.

Asparagus varieties from UC produce quality spears

Q: Do you have a recommended type or brand of asparagus that does well here in Southern Nevada? I read your blog, and you noted the purple varieties are sweeter, but do they grow as well as other types?

Frequent compost applications helps control lawn diseases

Q: I have a lawn that did not do well this last summer. It browned and had a few patches that had some sort of infection and die-off. We added compost in early fall, and the lawn perked up quite a bit, but it browned again considerably even though it is a fescue blend that should remain green through our winter. I think it probably needs another application of compost at some point. When should I add compost again?

Gardening: Warm-season vegetables need protecting right now

Historically, the last frost date is March 15 in the Las Vegas Valley. Planting warm-season vegetables before this date, such as tomatoes, peppers and eggplant, can be a bit risky because of a chance for frost.

Pomegranate fighting bug

Pomegranate bugs can be defeated

Pull young sprouts at trunk to keep numbers down

Q: I have an African sumac that has sprouts coming up from the roots. Besides trimming them every time they get above the soil level is there anything I can do to stop these sprouts from popping up?

Avoid bird damage with certain tactics

Question: What can be done to keep birds from eating all the fruit in an orchard? My brother has an orchard in southern Utah. There are about 100 trees, mostly dwarf and semi dwarf. Last year, birds got 90 percent of the fruit. He has tried scarecrows, but that didn’t work. He has also tried aluminum foil pie tins, but that only worked temporarily. Is there any solution for him other than buying netting to cover the trees?