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Too much, too little watering can cause gardenias to drop buds

Q: I bought a gardenia from Costco a month or so ago. It looks robust, with green, shiny leaves. I placed the pot in front of my house so it gets sunlight in the morning and shaded in the afternoon. I water it every day. When the buds get big but before they bloom, they wilt and fall off.

Gardening: Warm-season vegetables need protecting right now

Historically, the last frost date is March 15 in the Las Vegas Valley. Planting warm-season vegetables before this date, such as tomatoes, peppers and eggplant, can be a bit risky because of a chance for frost.

Avoid bird damage with certain tactics

Question: What can be done to keep birds from eating all the fruit in an orchard? My brother has an orchard in southern Utah. There are about 100 trees, mostly dwarf and semi dwarf. Last year, birds got 90 percent of the fruit. He has tried scarecrows, but that didn’t work. He has also tried aluminum foil pie tins, but that only worked temporarily. Is there any solution for him other than buying netting to cover the trees?