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Iron chelate bolsters leaves on lemon trees

Question: I have a small lemon tree growing in a large container. I now have many small lemons on it, which seem to be getting larger. My problem is that the leaves are a sickly, yellow color.

Local events

Pruning shade trees can cause future problems

Question: I have a modesto or Texas ash tree that was planted seven or eight years ago in my lawn. Do you think if I prune it back this winter that it would grow in to be fuller? If so, how much should I prune off?

Interior Design Society to elect officers, mark holiday

The Las Vegas Chapter of the Interior Design Society will host a black-tie Holiday Kickoff Celebration Nov. 30 in room C176 at the Las Vegas Design Center, 495 S. Grand Central Parkway

Design center sets new hours

Beginning Monday, the Las Vegas Design Center will change its hours to 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.