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Home and Garden

Making the Space Work

Matthew Vosburg turns homeowners’ high-end dream kitchens into a reality — even though he knows that meals may never be prepared in the spaces he spends months designing.

Small upgrades can make dramatic differences

“Looking at bargains from a purely commercial point of view someone is always cheated; but looked at with the simple eye both seller and buyer always win.” — David Grayson, pen name for Ray Stannard Baker, (1870-1946), American journalist, “Adventures in Contentment”

Pinterest favorites create party lines for Target

Target has tapped three of the most popular pinners on Pinterest, the photo-sharing social media site, to create partyware collections this year that will feature products for garden parties, glamping and craft beer tastings.

Local events

March 27

Smoke detectors are inexpensive, easy to replace

Q: I changed the batteries in my smoke detector, but when I tested it afterward nothing happened. The batteries are new, but the smoke detector is very old. I know that it’s hard-wired into my home’s electricity and that all the breakers are on. What should I do?

Memory jars popular with collectors

“Ugly jar” is just one of the names for an antique memory jar — and it often is an accurate description. But a homemade memory jar is of interest because it tells a story.

Now is the time to plant warm-season vegetables

It’s the end of the season for winter vegetables. Warm-season vegetables should be going in the ground now if they haven’t already. In protected hot microclimates, it should have been sooner.

Wall-to-wall carpeting no longer popular floor choice

Everybody knows by now that plush carpets don’t last forever, and even if they do we are likely bored with the color, the cut or the weaves. When it comes to home decor we are fickle, first craving wall-to-wall after World War II, then tiring of the foot marks by the end of the century.

Designing for Women

There is just something about the Cinderella-like transformations that take place on home-design shows that American TV audiences crave.

Ratings play factor in how windows save energy

Windows have been around a long time. The origin of the word is centuries old and the original “wind eye” was nothing more than an unglazed hole in the roof that provided ventilation and day lighting.

Make a small space appear bigger

Not that long ago the consensus among homeowners seemed to be that bigger was certainly better, and, if at all possible, “McMansions” were the only way to go. Now though, in light of the great paradigm shift that has occurred in our economy and in the population’s mindset, many have re-evaluated their priorities and have come to realize that simpler is often better and that smaller isn’t such a bad thing after all. In fact, downsizing has become an attractive alternative.

Hornbeam wood rarely used for furniture

“Googly eyes” is a term that can mean two slightly different things. The meaning online refers to small, modern, plastic pieces that look like round sandwiches with clear tops and a small, loose, round black piece inside. They are used to represent moving eyes in toys, dolls and puzzles.

Florals, undated, return to decor

After years of simple solids and geometric prints, the lowly flower is making a comeback in decor. Floral patterns have been blooming all over fashion runways in recent months, and they are slowly finding their way back into the world of home decorating, too.

Mild freeze can damage star jasmine

Do you want bigger and better quality fruit? Learn and come help us thin fruit at the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension orchard, near North Decatur Boulevard and Horse Drive in North Las Vegas. Now is the time you should start. Then go home and do it to your trees!

Fast route to successful gardening? Buy smart

Garden centers, with their vast collections of plant colors, sizes and shapes, can be intimidating to inexperienced buyers. But you can become a discerning purchaser with a little homework and by quizzing the salespeople as you shop.