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Home and Garden

Slime mold one of the good guys

Question: I found this “thing” under my Joshua tree this morning. It is about 6 inches long. Is it mold? I only water three times a week for five minutes.

Local events

May 30

Less water, lots of compost will help new tree

Q: My husband went out a couple of weeks ago and picked up a Pink Lady apple. I it planted they way you recommended and I have mulched the ground except for the 6 inches next to the trunk. I have it securely staked and I am watering by hand every day. What’s next? Food? Or what to make it do well?

Bring in the color

When it comes to outdoor accessories, bright colors and bold patterns are the key trends for summer 2013.

‘Greened House Effect’ a valuable resource

It has been said that the greenest building is the one that’s already built, because so much energy is embodied in the existing structure. There is some truth to that statement and greening an existing home or building can be the shortest route to energy efficiency, long-term savings, increased comfort and environmental healing.

Early lamps reflected art nouveau’s influence

Electric lights were first marketed to the public about 1880. It is said that Louis Comfort Tiffany’s famous lily lamp with glass shades for light bulbs was the first lamp with a shade that projected light down, not up, like a candle flame.

Properly maintained pool can provide hours of fun for family

There are two choices to make during a typical Southern Nevada summer: stay in an air-conditioned home all day and go stir crazy, or find comfort beside the calming and refreshing water of a backyard pool — your pool or your neighbor’s pool. If you live in an apartment complex, this same comfort can be found at the community pool with the added benefit of meeting your neighbors.

Sunshine brings updates to outdoor living spaces

Some 75 percent of households across the United States intend to purchase at least one piece of furniture for their outdoor living space this spring. According to new research conducted by the American Home Furnishings Alliance, homeowners are assessing their 2013 purchase priorities in terms of functionality and price over size and style.

Trap pesky gnats with decaying vegetable pieces

Q: I recently transplanted two houseplants and now have gnats coming out of the soil and infecting my entire house. Is there any way to kill these little buggers or do I have to get rid of all the dirt and start over?

Summer Style

Monday is Memorial Day and the official start of the outdoor living season. Although we are fortunate enough to live in a climate where you can spend time in your yard practically year-round, the holiday is when we truly begin to think about our outdoor furnishings and style.

Local events

May 23

Replacing toilet won’t bowl you over; be precise

Q: We need to replace our outdated toilet. I’m pretty sure that we can remove it, but I’m not clear about installing a new one. Also, I understand that I may need to buy a new wax ring for it. Is there anything else I need to know?

Rare banks worth a pretty penny – and more

Children’s toys often tell us how times have changed. Canada stopped making pennies last year, so saving money a penny at a time will soon be a problem in Canada.