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Home and Garden

Hot weather slows growth of some plants, while others flourish

Gardeners who haven’t started their summer garden can still get some fruits and vegetables into the ground and harvest their crop by summer’s end. The best suggestion is to plant cantaloupe. A fresh, end-of-summer cantaloupe from your backyard is sweet and flavorful and so much more delicious than the melons from Honduras and Guatemala currently sitting in grocery stores.

Pool solution for elevated installations

Stainless steel pools are deemed the premium luxury shell in pool and spa construction. However, after considering the benefits of installing a stainless steel pool, the price factor may become irrelevant.

Asphalt driveway repair is easy fix

Q: I live in an older house that has an asphalt driveway. The problem is that, over the years, rain and weather have made divots and small cracks in the driveway. What can I do to repair the holes in the asphalt?

Cottony cushion scale produces sap on lemon tree

Q: Last year, we bought a Meyer lemon and planted it in a large pot. We got more than 30 lemons off this little tree. I noticed a lot of sap near the base of the tree, then a bunch of furry little things on the trunk and some branches. They scrape off easily. I’m guessing they are the cause of the sap.

Dining room is back in vogue

Family dinner time has taken a hit for quite some time. With busy family members grabbing a quick bite to go, the dining table is either collecting dust or has been turned into a workspace.

Method of pruning makes difference in fruit production

Q: Two years ago I planted Thompson seedless grapes. The first two years there were no grapes, and I did not expect any fruit. This year, there are leaves and no fruit. They were pruned the same way as my red seedless grapes, which were very prolific. Is there something special that I must do to make the vine produce?

What are the secrets behind these intriguing tables?

Throughout the ages, craftsmen have tried to take advantage of the “wasted” space occupied by structural elements and moldings on tables and desks by often including a hidden compartment or a secret drawer.

Sofa beds are now about style, comfort and function

It seems everyone, at some time or another, has slept on a sofa bed, hide-a-bed or sleeper sofa. Even though it wasn’t always the most comfortable night’s rest, it was better than sleeping on the floor or splayed out in a chair.

Weedkiller takes at least seven days to take effect

Q: This year has been the worst for weeds and grass coming up through the rocks. I’ve tried Bayer Advanced all-in-one concentrate that acted like a fertilizer and strengthened their growth. I got Roundup weed and grass killer concentrate. Two weeks later and the grass is coming up like I planted it. What do you suggest I use to spray on this grass to kill it?

Steady hand, quality brush, patience help paint straight line

Q: We are repainting a large bedroom and have finished everything but the trim. The paint on the walls and trim is latex. We want the trim to look great because it is a different color than the walls. I have seen where professional painters leave a flawless finish without any brush marks. We don’t have a paint sprayer. Is there a way that we can paint the trim so that there are no brush marks?

Columnist reviews most frequently asked questions

Every couple years I like to do a column on the most frequently asked questions. Of course there are many, but here are the top seven this year. You’ll notice that four out of the seven are about paint. It will always be the least expensive way to completely change a room.