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Belligerent Bermudagrass tough to destroy

Question: I have a small fescue lawn that is being taken over by what appears to be Bermudagrass or some type of large-blade thick, dense grass that is much greener and thicker than the fescue grass.

Eastern redbud has a hard time in the Western US

Question: I am sending you some pictures of my Eastern redbud tree. It has some problems, and I want to know how to correct these.

Eastern redbud has a hard time in the Western US

Question: I am sending you some pictures of my Eastern redbud tree. It has some problems, and I want to know how to correct these.

Eastern redbud has a hard time in the Western US

Question: I am sending you some pictures of my Eastern redbud tree. It has some problems, and I want to know how to correct these.

Older grapes require deeper, less frequent watering

Question: My grapevines are not growing as usual. I have had them for seven years. They always give me nice big leaves, but this year, they are very small and brown like they are dying or lacking something.

Backyard microclimates support tender citruses

Question: Inspired by you, I have planted a tree from your recommended tree list and another that I don’t think is in there, a Meyer lemon. I planted a lemon after seeing other people in the valley having success with it. I would like to know what precautions I should take growing a lemon tree here.