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Citrus cuttings should not be planted upside down

Cuttings from citrus trees should be cut slanted at the bottom and straight across at the top end. Cutting them slanted at the bottom end helps to not confuse the top from the bottom.

Thermometer, weather app help to anticipate winter freezes

Plants are not expecting normal low temperatures early or late in the winter season and are not prepared for them. Having a recording maximum/minimum thermometer and having the weather app prepares you for anticipating winter freezes.

Slime mold fungus in lawn causes no harm

Slime mold fungi are particularly disgusting because they are gelatinous and, over time, change color if they’re left undisturbed. Slime molds can lay atop the grass and smother it.

While unsightly, slime flux is nonlethal tree disease

Q: I have two paloverde trees in front of my house. One seems to be fine while the other has struggled for four years. I am told the tree is healthy, but every summer it leaks white, sticky foam from the trunk. This foam attracts bees and beetles. The tree has received professional borer treatments twice a year, but it’s still bad.

Controlling ant nests can help stymie spread of aphids

Aphids are on fruit trees, roses, winter vegetables and other landscape plants. They love cool nights but warm daytime temperatures for feeding and breeding. Their feeding causes new leaves to curl on the edges and glistening, sugary sap on leaves.

Bolster fig yield with a second tree

Question: I have a large fig tree that gives me small green figs, and that is all I get. I think the problem is not enough water, as you said. I also saw the picture of cuttings to grow another tree. Can I do that, or should I buy a second tree? What about pruning? Is this a good time?

Formidable fire blight tough to tackle

Question: I have a pear tree which is about 10 years old. Up until this year, it has been pretty healthy. This spring, it got a disease. I am hoping you can identify it for me and tell me what I can do to treat it so that it won’t be a problem in the future.