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Your No. 1 source for Las Vegas housing and real estate news.

Foreclosures rise for first time in year as backlogs ease

BOSTON — U.S. lenders started foreclosures on more properties in the third quarter, the first increase in a year, as a backlog stemming from claims of faulty home seizures began to ease.

2011 may be worst year for new-home sales in Las Vegas

With two months remaining in the year, it looks like 2011 could be the worst year on record for new-home sales in Las Vegas, the latest figures from Home Builders Research show.

New analysis shows foreclosures still plague parts of valley

Positively identified as the nation’s foreclosure capital, Las Vegas has lost more than 100,000 homes to the bank since January 2007, roughly 18 percent of the valley’s privately owned housing stock, housing analyst Larry Murphy of Las Vegas-based SalesTraq reported.

Four milllion homeowners eligible for foreclosure review

WASHINGTON — About 4 million homeowners who may have been improperly foreclosed upon in 2009 and 2010 are getting an opportunity to have their cases reviewed. Whether they will be reimbursed is up to the same lenders who are accused of moving too swiftly to seize their homes.