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In The Outdoors

In The Outdoors

Freelance writer Doug Nielsen is a conservation educator for the Nevada Department of Wildlife. His “In the Outdoors” column, published Thursday in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, is not affiliated with or endorsed by the NDOW. Any opinions he states in his column are his own.

Clark County gun range underutilized precious gem

Nevadans aimed high when we set out to create the largest and most advanced shooting range in the world. But we kept a steady eye on our target. And today, with great pride, Nevada has hit the bull’s-eye.”

Ladies first: Women fast-growing segment of outdoor enthusiasts

Move over, boys. The girls are coming to deer camp and the ol’ fishing hole, too, and they are doing it in record numbers. While that might not be news to folks who have been around the outdoor world for more than a few years and have read the sign, it probably is to those who haven’t. Not to mention those who don’t necessarily appreciate the hunting and fishing sports for what they are.

Don’t pass the buck: Deer hunt fun, even without tag

“Doug, hold still!” While still a whisper, Paul’s command was emphatic and left no doubt he finally had seen what we were looking for: a mule deer buck. It was shortly after 8 a.m. on the third day of Nevada’s early deer season and in roughly the same place where we had seen a group of four small bucks on opening day.

First day of deer hunt special

As I sit down to write this column, the smell of bacon hangs in the air, the breeze is blowing through the juniper trees, and the ragged cliffs of the Schell Creek Range rise up to the east. Around remains of what once was the morning’s cooking fire sit three of my friends, men I enjoy spending time with in the field. Not everyone fills the bill.

Shutdown impacts outdoorsmen

Regardless of your philosophy when it comes to the federal government shutdown and the politics driving it, one thing is certain: Nevada’s outdoor enthusiasts will be impacted. The question is just how much of an impact the shutdown will have and in what way.