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Many Nevadans depend on ride-sharing services

I am appalled that the Democrats in the Legislature are attempting to regulate Uber and Lyft out of business for the second time this session.

Federal prosecutors shouldn’t have blank checks

After reading in the May 24 Review-Journal how more than $1 million in taxpayer money had been spent on lawyers in the Bundy case, I was shocked to learn that doesn’t even include how much the U.S. Department of Justice has spent.

Will water bill come back to life in Carson City?

The scuttlebutt is that provisions from AB 298 may be tacked onto other legislation, discounting the concerns of so many Nevadans and shortcutting the public involvement that is the hallmark of Nevada’s legislative procedures.

Donald Trump is no friend of the children

I encourage all voters to look at what Donald Trump is doing and not listen to the opinion of Trump apologist Wayne Allyn Root.

Weeding out predatory teachers isn’t always so simple

The fact that the teacher background check includes only arrests is based on the concept that people are innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent.

Editorial ignores the different type of diabetes

No amount of education, diet, lifestyle, or “magic potions” will cure those who have the disease, or prevent the manifestation of Type 1 diabetes in a person who is predisposed to it.

Government accountability vital in the age of Donald Trump

The First Amendment was instituted because the nation’s founders knew the importance of this to the maintenance of a democracy. Until President Trump leaves the office of president, his actions must be scrutinized.

San Diego minimum wage hike a lesson for Nevada

Predictably, some firms are moving their operations to Texas, joining the exodus of California businesses looking for greener pastures.

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