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LETTERS: To keep us safe, ban white immigrants

I write to congratulate Gov. Brian Sandoval on his decisive action to prevent Syrian refugees from settling in Nevada. However, I call on him to extend this ban to all white people as well.

LETTERS: Rooftop solar owners carrying fair share

The editorial on rooftop solar (and many before it) mistakenly claims NV Energy gives me 11.6 cents per kilowatt hour for the excess electricity I produce (“Solar must pay its way,” Nov. 22 Review-Journal). I am a new solar user, but based on my first nine months, I anticipate that over a year I will produce more electricity than I use. I make more than I use some months and use more in other months.

LETTERS: Malkin’s refugee stance seeks only to stoke fear

In the Nov. 22 Viewpoints section of the Review-Journal, someone had the silly idea of letting Michelle Malkin and Kathleen Parker give opposing viewpoints on allowing Syrian refugees into the U.S. It was silly because of Ms. Malkin’s consistent practice of simply making stuff up to suit any issue on which she is writing.

LETTERS: NV Energy’s plans unjustifiable

The editorial on rooftop solar was focused on the wrong industry. It should be that NV Energy must pay. How do you justify NV Energy’s request to spend close to $1 billion to build a gas-fired generating plant, so that it can avoid purchasing power from out of state?

LETTERS: Logic doesn’t add up in Obamacare dissent

After reading yet another of the Review-Journal’s interminable editorials opposing Obamacare, I was confused about the logic that was expressed in the latest diatribe (“Unaffordable care,” Monday Review-Journal).

LETTERS: Bring back Kalas’ column

Letters from Lois Peters, Henry Soloway, Joanne Brunelle, Jan Mills and Ty Weller.

LETTERS: Container Park lessees have obligations, too

Business owners who chose to lease retail space at downtown’s Container Park and are now complaining about lack of foot traffic and blaming their lack of prosperity on property management should take a closer look at their own business plans to explain their failures (“Uncontained complaints,” Nov. 13 Review-Journal). I fully support independent businesses, but I also recognize new businesses often fail due to inexperience and poor decisions made by the owners and operators.

LETTERS: Sandoval takes wrong stance on refugees

Claiming that he wants to keep Nevadans safe, Gov. Brian Sandoval wants to delay relocation to Nevada any Syrian refugees (“Plan to accept refugees attacked,” Tuesday Review-Journal). Presumably, this is because one of the terrorists in Paris may have been posing as a Syrian refugee. By refusing relocation to our state, we could avoid allowing a terrorist to our midst.