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Las Vegas woman healthy after cancer treatment with CyberKnife

Ten years ago, Maura Bivens became one of the first women in Southern Nevada to be treated with the CyberKnife. The treatment was for triple-negative breast cancer that had metastasized to her lungs. But today, the 51-year-old is healthy.

New mother part of local clinical trial

Kristen Louis was nine weeks pregnant at the time her breast cancer was diagnosed. After three lumpectomies that led eventually to a mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation, she is part of the NATALEE phase III clinical trial.

Survivor finds support after cancer returns

Melinda Christoforo first learned she had breast cancer in 2008 after undergoing a routine mammogram examination and had a mastectomy to reduce any chance of cancer returning. In 2014, she learned the devastating prognosis that her cancer had returned and had now spread to her lungs.

33-year-old battles aggressive cancer

Melissa Peters is taking part in the HER2CLIMB clinical trial, which is studying the effects of a drug called tucatinib in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer and brain metastases.

Bird pecking can indicate fruit is ready to harvest

Plums and pluots improve in flavor when they are kept on the tree longer and harvested closer to their mature date. These fruits are normally harvested from the end of July to the first or second week of August in our climate.