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Bryce Canyon even more magnificent in wintertime

Most visitors come from late spring to fall, but if you venture to the Southern Utah park this time of year, you’ll find the colors seem more vibrant and the overlooks and trails are crowd-free.

Amboy offers a look at history and ancient lava crater

For some reason doubtless buried in our prehistoric past, most humans find volcanos interesting, as long as they’re not spewing molten rock and poison gas. If you’d like to visit one that has behaved itself for about 10,000 years but still shows the interesting geologic features acquired in its flaming youth, Amboy Crater makes a fine day trip this time of year. The temperature will be 5 to 10 degrees warmer than the same day in Las Vegas, and the route I suggest will take you through the Mojave National Preserve, an agreeable place in early winter.

Sequoia a perfect long-weekend getaway

By most definitions, giant sequoias are the largest trees on Earth, and they will surely inspire awe in anyone fortunate enough to see them. And because they grow within a long weekend’s journey of Southern Nevada, you can be among the fortunate. But if you intend to do that this summer, it’s best to plan now, for this kind of trip will be most pleasant if you make reservations, allowing time to incorporate other activities.

Take a trip to the South Rim for great winter views

A New Year’s resolution you can carry out is to visit one of the nearby national parks with which our region is so richly blessed. One of the best for winter months is the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.