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Time running out to apply iron fertilizers to soil

We are nearing the end of any soil applications of iron fertilizers that work. Once early spring through early summer has passed, the only thing that cures leaf yellowing is the leaf sprays applied directly to yellowing leaves.

Tips for Death Valley day trips

From sandy walks to scenic drives, how to pack the most into your Death Valley day trip.

Standard-sized apple tree cannot be pruned to dwarf size

Standard-sized apple trees may grow to 35 or 40 feet in height. You might be able to keep a standard-sized tree under 20 feet tall through pruning, but the standard-sized apple tree is just too vigorous for pruning to short heights.

Verticillium wilt cause death of single branch

Verticillium wilt disease plugs the internal tubes that carry water from a tree’s roots to the leaves. It commonly infects a single branch, causing it to die and appear like it is not getting enough water.

Sun City homes get state-of-the-art smoke alarms

Under a new program, nearly 50 Sun City homes could spend $100 on getting the most state-of-the-art, battery-generated smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detection systems.