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NASCAR Fanfest celebrates champions

Fans gathered Wednesday at the Fremont Street Experience to get autographs and see their favorite drivers upclose at the beginning of NASCAR Champion’s Week. The Las Vegas Motor Speedway’s Fanfest featured drivers taking part in a version of “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?” Tonight the annual awards luncheon and industry gathering will be at Encore Las Vegas.

Chris Economaki, dean of American motorsports journalists, dies at 91

Chris Economaki was a great motorsports journalist; heck, for the longest time, he was the only American motorsports journalist, or so it seemed. He died Friday at 91, which in auto racing years is longer than the 24 Hours of LeMans and the Indianapolis 500 and the World 600 all rolled into one.

‘Days of Thunder’ director left imprint on NASCAR

Hollywood director Tony Scott committed suicide a week ago today by jumping off the Vincent Thomas Bridge in Los Angeles. Sadly, that is probably how I will remember him, because plunging 185 feet off a suspension bridge into the murky waters of Los Angeles Harbor is a spectacular way to die.