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Steve Carell wrestles with greatness in ‘Foxcatcher’

His performance as billionaire John du Pont in the dark, true-crime drama would be hilarious if it weren’t leading to such a catastrophic ending.

Holy Moses! ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’ could have been so much better

The trailers cut up the movie’s one scene of warfare (in which Moses and Ramses defeat the Hittites at the Battle of Kadesh), Ramses’ pursuit of the Hebrews and the parting of the Red Sea (portrayed with more tornadoes than ever before) to make the biblical tale look downright action-packed. It isn’t.

Size matters when it comes to Nolan’s ‘Interstellar’

The next two months will unleash a torrent of high-profile movies, but writer-director Christopher Nolan’s “Interstellar” is guaranteed to be the biggest of them all. Literally.

Surprises are earned in twisty, turny ‘Gone Girl’

In the hands of novelist/screenwriter Gillian Flynn and director David Fincher, “Gone Girl’ is so full of first-rate shockers the fact that its oft-maligned co-star Tyler Perry is actually quite good barely cracks the top five.

Washington at his charismatic best in ‘The Equalizer’

For one of the most head-scratching choices for a TV adaptation in recent memory — Honestly, what’s next? Vin Diesel in a gritty reboot of “The Father Dowling Mysteries”? — “The Equalizer” is immensely appealing and so much more entertaining than you’d expect.

‘This Is Where I Leave You’ a dysfunctional-family dramedy

Movie has assembled one of the most likable casts in recent memory. But it’s awfully easy to get distracted as actor after actor from some of the past decade’s buzziest TV shows turns up in thinly drawn roles.

Fall movies include Oscar hopefuls, prestige pics, more

With their kids back in school, grown-ups can come out and play with new releases starring Matthew McConaughey, Brad Pitt, Robert Downey Jr., Ben Affleck and Bill Murray.

Former 007 Brosnan misfires in return to spy genre

There’s not much in “The November Man” that you haven’t seen before, usually done better somewhere else. Compared to the franchises it seems to be striving for, as Bond it’s bland, and as Bourne it’s a bore.

‘The Giver’ covers familiar territory

“The Giver” takes place in a world without memories. If only audiences could enter that realm for 97 minutes so that the movie wouldn’t feel so very familiar in the wake of other young adult adaptations ranging from “The Hunger Games” and “Divergent” to “Ender’s Game” and next month’s “The Maze Runner.”

Special effects only thing going for ‘Into the Storm’

You buy a ticket for a movie like “Into the Storm” — aka, “Twister 2: Let’s Twist Again, Like We Did in the Summer of ’96” — for the tornadoes. And they, at least, do not disappoint.

‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ takes huge risks, is justifiably rewarded

The trailer for “Guardians of the Galaxy” debuted in February, and its peculiar tone, coupled with its liberal use of Blue Swede’s “Hooked on a Feeling,” made it the one summer blockbuster I was verifiably tingly to see.