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5 movies about aliens for earthlings

While most people associated March with basketball madness, others look forward to “Extraterrestrial Abductions Day,” which has already passed (March 20). But if you’re still on earth, here’s some good flicks to get your alien fix.

Ferrell-Hart comedy ‘Get Hard’ never bothers to get good

As a statement on America’s racial divide, the movie is every bit as confusing and ineffective as Starbucks having its baristas write “Race Together” on your triple venti soy no foam latte.

5 most underrated Disney movies

Here are five Disney films — animated and live-action — that, for one reason or another, didn’t get the attention they likely should have received

Jennifer Lawrence is done with ‘X-Men’

Jennifer Lawrence told MTV that it’s a wrap for her after “X-Men: Apocalypse,” which is due in theaters in 2016.

Here’s what the cast of ‘Clue’ is up to 30 years later

It’s been 30 years since “Clue” first hit movie theaters. But what’s happened to the eccentric cast of characters? After shedding their need to kill with pipes, ropes and revolvers in the dining room, or billiard room, or maybe in the study, well, where did they go?

5 movies about a different kind of ‘madness’

Mental illness is a very real, and very serious, problem for millions of people across the United States and around the world.

Disney Channel developing movie about Little League’s Mo’ne Davis

The Mo’ne Davis story is coming to Disney Channel. The 13-year-old who made history last summer as the first girl to pitch a shutout in the Little League World Series is the subject of a biopic that the cabler is developing with producer Debra Martin Chase.