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Nation and World

French morning-after pill not working for some women

A French contraceptive maker said Tuesday its morning-after pill doesn’t work when taken by women who weigh more than 176 pounds and plans to change its labels to warn patients.

CDC gives self good, bad marks on 7 ‘winnable battles’

About three years ago, the nation’s top public health agency picked its battles. Now, it’s issuing its own report card on reaching those goals: Pretty good but needs improvement.

Nutty conclusion? Not just a healthy snack, but a way to longer life

Help yourself to some nuts this holiday season: Regular nut eaters were less likely to die of cancer or heart disease — in fact, were less likely to die of any cause — during a 30-year Harvard study.

Obama’s grasp of flaws in health care website debated

President Barack Obama, who has portrayed himself as surprised by technical problems with the government’s new health care website, was briefed earlier this year on a consultant’s report that warned of possible widespread site failures, White House officials said Tuesday.

Obama to allow sale of canceled health insurance plans

Bowing to pressure, President Barack Obama on Thursday announced changes to his health care law to give insurance companies the option to keep offering consumers plans that would otherwise be canceled.

Fewer than 27,000 signed up for health insurance using federal website

Putting a statistic on disappointment, the Obama administration revealed Wednesday that fewer than 27,000 people signed up for private health insurance last month in the 36 states relying on a problem-filled federal website.

Obama sorry Americans losing insurance he said they could keep

President Barack Obama said Thursday he’s sorry Americans are losing health insurance plans he repeatedly said they could keep under his signature health care law. But the president stopped short of apologizing for making those promises.

FDA to ban artery-clogging trans fats

Heart-clogging trans fats have been slowly disappearing from grocery aisles and restaurant menus in the last decade. Now, the Food and Drug Administration will require the food industry to gradually phase out all trans fats.