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Nation and World

Philly families asked to take in guests when pope visits

Residents of the Philadelphia area are being asked to show some brotherly love to those traveling to the city to see Pope Francis next year. With hotel rooms filling up fast, organizers hope to find more than 10,000 households willing to host guests in their spare bedrooms for a modest fee.

Pope confirms first papal US visit for September 2015

Pope Francis confirmed Monday that he will make his first papal visit to the United States with a trip to Philadelphia next September for the World Meeting of Families, a conference held every three years in a different city to celebrate the importance of family.

Maryland school district cuts religious holidays from ‘15 calendar

Maryland’s biggest school district has stripped references to religious holidays from next year’s calendar, removing Christmas, Easter, Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah from the lineup of days off.

Mormon bishop apologizes for blog about Sen. Reid

A Mormon bishop in Los Angeles apologized Sunday for the tone of a blog saying Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was unworthy to enter the faith’s temples, but stood by his criticism of Reid’s stands on some issues.

Pastor who officiated gay son’s wedding can keep ordination

A U.S. pastor who was defrocked after officiating his son’s same-sex wedding ceremony, and later reinstated, can keep his ordination, a Methodist judicial council has ruled.

Religious exemptions are next battle for gay marriage

Religious conservatives are moving their fight to state legislatures, seeking exemptions that would allow some groups, companies and people with religious objections to refuse benefits or service for gay spouses.

Vatican document: Gays have much to offer Catholic Church

A Vatican document said on Monday that homosexuals had “gifts and qualities to offer” and asked if Catholicism could accept gays and recognize positive aspects of same-sex couples.

Pope orders review to streamline annulment process

Pope Francis has ordered a review aimed at simplifying the Church’s procedures for annulments, the Vatican said on Saturday, a move that could make it easier for Catholics to end marriages.

Church of England now allows female bishops

The Church of England has voted to allow women to enter its top ranks as bishops at its meeting in York in northern England Monday.

Federal court rejects priest’s dying request

A federal court has denied a request from a dying Roman Catholic priest who was convicted of killing a nun in 1980 and hoped to spend his final days in his Ohio hometown.

Defrocked pastor can return, Methodists decide

A pastor who presided over his son’s same-sex wedding ceremony and vowed to perform other gay marriages if asked can return to the pulpit after a United Methodist Church appeals panel on Tuesday overturned a decision to defrock him.

Presbyterian assembly: Gay marriage is Christian

The top legislative body of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has voted by large margins to recognize same-sex marriage as Christian in the church constitution, adding language that marriage can be the union of “two people,” not just “a man and a woman.”

Arizona priest’s shooting death shows division in clergy with guns

A Roman Catholic priest responding to a break-in at his downtown Phoenix church grabbed a handgun that police say ended up in the burglar’s hands — and was then used to kill a fellow priest who tried to help.

Defrocked pastor now an outspoken critic of Methodist policies

Frank Schaefer lost his job but not his voice. Defrocked by the United Methodist Church six months ago for officiating his son’s same-sex wedding, Schaefer has gained a following among reformers who want the church to loosen its policies on homosexuality.