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Nation and World

For Las Vegas WWII vets, Memorial Day is another day to be thankful

Vernice “Lucky” Gaar, 91, and Frank Costa, 99, traveled similar paths without ever meeting until they recently shared a bronze-worthy moment during a trip to the Tomb of the Unknowns in Washington, D.C.

Expert says US should send envoy to North Korea to mitigate nuclear threat

The specter of North Korea armed with nuclear-bomb-tipped missiles is such “a serious threat for the world” that a top U.S. scientist says President Donald Trump should send an envoy to Pyongyang to persuade Kim Jong Un’s regime to end its doomsday posturing.

Chelsea Manning released from military prison

Chelsea Manning, a transgender Army private whose lengthy prison sentence for leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks was commuted by President Barack Obama, was released from a military prison Wednesday.

Navy SEAL killed, 2 others wounded in Somalia attack

A U.S. Navy SEAL was killed and two troops wounded in a clash with al Shabaab militants in Somalia, U.S. officials said on Friday, in what appeared to be the first U.S. combat death in the country since the 1993 “Black Hawk Down” disaster.