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Nation and World

FBI terrorism unit probing plane laser attacks

The FBI announced Friday it has assigned its Joint Terrorism Task Force to lead a probe of laser attacks on the cockpits of two planes approaching LaGuardia Airport this week, inviting help from the public as well to fight a growing threat against the nation’s air transportation.

Ohio teen cares for family after crash, mourns 6 dead

A 17-year-old boy had to identify the bodies of his parents and four sisters killed in an Ohio car accident involving a police officer responding to a call about a robbery, a social worker helping surviving relatives said Saturday.

Violin from the Titanic sells for more than $1.6M

A violin believed to have been played on the Titanic before the doomed vessel sank was auctioned for more than 1 million pounds ($1.6 million) Saturday, a fantastic figure which one collector said may never be beaten.

Wedding planning on a deadline for NJ gay couples

Activists are still working to line up judges who could waive the three-day waiting period for same-sex couples who want to exchange vows first thing Monday, when gay marriage will become legal in New Jersey.

What child is this? Girl found in Greek gypsy camp

The Greek police raided the camp in search of drugs and weapons, part of a crackdown on illegal activity in the Gypsy community. But during the operation, an accompanying prosecutor noticed something else that stood out: a blond, blue-eyed little girl.

Newtown victim’s mom said he shouted for classmates to run

A 6-year-old boy killed in the massacre in Sandy Hook Elementary School shouted for his classmates to run while the gunman paused to reload and was shot moments later, the boy’s mother said Friday.

Hollande: Expelled 15-year-old can return alone

Under fire from the far left and members of his own party, Socialist President Francois Hollande said Saturday that a 15-year-old girl who was detained in front of her classmates and expelled can return to France. But the rest of the family cannot come with her.

Video of Dallas police shooting mentally ill man prompts probe

Surveillance video showing a Dallas police officer shooting a mentally ill man standing still about 20 feet away contradicts the assertion of an officer that the man threatened his safety by lunging at him with a knife.

Missouri rape victim writes 1st-person account for magazine

The Missouri teen who says she was raped by an older boy at her high school and left passed out on her porch wrote in an online woman’s magazine that the incident sent her into a spiral and she twice tried to commit suicide.

Waitress pays soldiers’ tab, receives $10K from Ellen

A New Hampshire waitress who picked up the lunch tab of two National Guard soldiers affected by the federal government’s shutdown has been repaid — more than 300 times over — by television star Ellen DeGeneres.