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Nation and World

Former US astronaut John Glenn hospitalized in Cleveland

John Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth and a former U.S. senator and war hero, has been hospitalized for more than a week, officials said on Wednesday.

How one Charleston church shooting survivor remembers the attack

A survivor of last year’s massacre at a black South Carolina church testified Wednesday that her Bible study group had just closed their eyes and started praying when a loud sound shattered the stillness. The basement room went dark.

2 juveniles charged with arson in deadly Tennessee wildfire

Authorities on Wednesday charged two juveniles in an East Tennessee wildfire that killed 14 people and destroyed or damaged more than 1,700 buildings.

Official: Refrigerator potential source of deadly Oakland warehouse fire

Investigators zeroed in on a refrigerator and other electrical appliances as possible causes of the fire at a warehouse in Oakland that killed 36 people, as crews were set to finish their search for bodies.

Pakistani plane crashes on takeoff with about 40 on board

A plane belonging to Pakistan’s national carrier crashed on Wednesday shortly after takeoff from the country’s north with about 40 people on board, a spokesman and the police said.

Pipeline protesters vow to stay despite blizzard

Some protesters who have been fighting the Dakota Access pipeline retreated to a nearby casino and area shelters overnight as a blizzard blew through, but many remained at a camp in southern North Dakota.

Followers anxious, hopeful after 7-year-old Aleppo girl goes silent on Twitter

Seventy years after a Dutch teenager penned the diary chronicling her family’s life hiding from the Nazis, Bana has become the Anne Frank of the Syrian civil war — except this time, the world is watching the story unfold in the present, moment to moment, with no sense of how it will end.