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Point man on Yucca Mountain calls new bill ‘Screw Nevada 2’

“Screw Nevada Two.” That’s how Nevada’s chief critic of the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste project views legislation that will be discussed next week in a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee titled the “Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2017.”

North Korean missiles could reach Las Vegas, experts say

While North Korea has long claimed to have the ability to strike the U.S. mainland with its missiles, Western military experts have mostly scoffed. They aren’t anymore.

California may leapfrog Nevada with its presidential primary

California lawmakers are considering legislation to make the Golden State’s 2020 presidential primary the third in the nation after Iowa and New Hampshire, cutting in ahead of Nevada’s February caucuses.

Nevada has science edge if Yucca Mountain licensing resumes

The Department of Energy’s Yucca Mountain program was defunded and dismantled under President Barack Obama, leaving only a handful of scientists from the hundreds who once worked on the project.

Remembering Nevada’s ‘Wild West’ division in World War I

At the 100th anniversary of the U.S. entry into the “war to end all wars,” the improbable tale of the Army’s 91st “Wild West” Division — a ragtag legion of shopkeepers, cowboys, farmers, miners, Native Americans and immigrant railroad workers who helped change the course of history — demands one more telling.