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For Las Vegas WWII vets, Memorial Day is another day to be thankful

Vernice “Lucky” Gaar, 91, and Frank Costa, 99, traveled similar paths without ever meeting until they recently shared a bronze-worthy moment during a trip to the Tomb of the Unknowns in Washington, D.C.

Dina Titus to rent office in Las Vegas City Hall

Las Vegas City Hall will house a district office for U.S. Rep. Dina Titus, under a new lease agreement the City Council approved Wednesday.

Transgender name change bill unanimously passes Nevada Assembly

A bill allowing transgender people to change their names without publishing their new and original names in a newspaper was passed unanimously Tuesday by the Assembly, sending the measure to Gov. Brian Sandoval.

Bill would remove Las Vegas neighborhood from gaming corridor

During the 1950s, a generation of musicians, pit bosses and servers who worked on the Strip settled modest homes sprung up in the Beverly Green neighborhood east of Paradise Road.