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Nevada candidate Horsford unveils prescription drug plan

After surviving a heart surgery five years ago, former U.S. Rep. Steven Horsford — who’s running for his old congressional seat — unveiled his Affordable Prescription Plan on Monday.

PUC adopts report on Nevada energy choice initiative

The Public Utilities Commission on Monday voted to adopt a report that details the potential impacts that the Energy Choice Initiative, or Question 3 on this November’s ballot, including higher energy rates and negative effects on Nevada’s rooftop solar industry.

Campaign 2018: Nevada Dems file 5th complaint against Heller

Nevada Democrats this week filed another ethics complaint against U.S. Sen. Dean Heller , alleging the Republican is exploiting his official position to boost his campaign for re-election.

Nevada transparency site graded B for accessibility

When it comes to shedding light on state spending and making those details accessible to taxpayers, Nevada ranks near the top of the class.

Company stops home water delivery to Nevada tribe in mine fight

It was an uncharacteristically urgent demand at a U.S. Superfund site where the cleanup of an abandoned World War II-era mine has dragged on for two decades and progress is measured, at best, in years.

GOP confident it can win 2 open congressional seats in Nevada

National Republicans predicted they would hold the majority in the House and said Thursday they were confident they could win two open Nevada seats that Democrats need to take control of the lower chamber.

Nevada governor candidate wants state funding for Planned Parenthood

Nevada Democrat Chris Giunchigliani told the Review-Journal on Thursday that she will direct state funding to Planned Parenthood and other family-planning centers — a first for Nevada — if she’s elected governor.

Nevada senator co-sponsors bill on abuse of presidential pardon

Democratic lawmakers filed a bill in the Senate Thursday to prevent U.S. presidents from abusing the pardon power of the office for personal gain or to obstruct an investigation.

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