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Energy Secretary Rick Perry tours Yucca Mountain repository

Energy Secretary Rick Perry toured the Yucca Mountain repository Monday, two weeks after the Trump administration added funding in its budget to revive the facility north of Las Vegas.

Nevada Legislature formalizes opposition to revive Yucca Mountain

A resolution restating the Legislature’s opposition to any effort to license Yucca Mountain as a high-level nuclear waste dump was endorsed Monday by Gov. Brian Sandoval and Attorney General Adam Laxalt.

Federal issues could dominate Nevada Legislature’s seventh week

Federal issues will be on the minds of lawmakers through much of Week 7 at the Legislature, with a historic vote expected in the Assembly ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment and a resolution reaffirming Nevada’s opposition to Yucca Mountain both on tap.

Nevada lawmakers pledge fierce resistance to Yucca Mountain revival

A $1.1 trillion budget blueprint by President Donald Trump that includes a revival of Yucca Mountain as a repository for nuclear waste was declared “dead on arrival” Thursday by Nevada’s two U.S. senators.

Texas files lawsuit over licensing of Yucca Mountain

A lawsuit filed by Texas in a U.S. appellate court claims the federal government violated the law in failing to complete the licensing process for permanent storage of nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain in Nevada.

Perry vows to champion department he once wanted to shutter

Energy Secretary Rick Perry called the nation’s laboratories and scientists “jewels” and vowed Friday to be an advocate for the department he once famously forgot was on his list of federal agencies he wanted to shutter.

Senate confirms Perry to head Energy Department

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry was overwhelmingly confirmed by the Senate on Thursday to lead the Department of Energy.