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News Columns

Think ahead to prevent falls

It was 2005 and retired Gen. Paul Tibbets, who led the A-bomb mission on Hiroshima, sat in the living room of his Ohio home and spoke about the role the Wendover airfield on the Nevada-Utah border played in the planning of the first use of the atomic bomb.

Don’t let Desai dominate spotlight

If you believe the great writer Oscar Wilde — “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.” — the past week was a great one for those trying to make medical tourism a substantial part of the economic engine of Southern Nevada.

Need for Pepto not going away

Chances are better than good that you or someone in your family has already suffered from it. It really doesn’t surprise you all that much when it happens –– cramps, diarrhea, vomiting.

Shun sun too much, you’ll lack vitamin D – even in Las Vegas

At first blush, it doesn’t make sense. We live in Southern Nevada, where the sun shines about 320 days a year, yet it isn’t difficult to find doctors who say many of us are deficient in vitamin D, which is often called the sunshine vitamin.

Too many awareness days can create a health daze

This is April, so my wife and I are thinking of planning get-togethers with friends to recognize Alcohol Awareness Month, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month, National Autism Awareness Month, National Donate Life Month, Safe Kids Week and World Meningitis Day.

Las Vegas paramedic rides shotgun as lives start, fade away

“You can never give up on anybody,” says paramedic John Osborn. “You never know who’s going to make it.”
He’ll never forget one who did –a woman who was ejected from her car yet survived when it rolled over her.
Osborn found her walking around in shock. There was a perfect imprint of her body in a farmer’s freshly plowed pasture.