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We need a clearer picture of Lasik

Every time I hear sports talk show host Paul Howard selling LASIK eye surgery – it only took him a few painless minutes to acquire 20-15 vision – I think of a woman I wrote about in Texas who lost her sight from a laser procedure. Her emotional appeal to me to let people know that such surgery is not without risk has stayed with me.

Las Vegas man aims to prevent repeat of sickly fate

Outside Henry Chanin’s office at The Meadows School is the golf cart he must use to move around campus.
It is a reminder of one way the hepatitis C he acquired in 2006 during a colonoscopy at Dr. Dipak Desai’s Desert Shadow Endoscopy Center has changed his life.

Common sense, not task force, is what Nevada really needs

How do you stop people from acting foolishly?
There’s a government-sanctioned body in Nevada — a task force on unlicensed health care — that’s trying to do just that within the Hispanic community.

Too many awareness days can create a health daze

This is April, so my wife and I are thinking of planning get-togethers with friends to recognize Alcohol Awareness Month, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month, National Autism Awareness Month, National Donate Life Month, Safe Kids Week and World Meningitis Day.

Las Vegas man says hospital worsened his hardship

Unless you’ve got the soul of a machine, you hate to see what 50-year-old John Nelson has gone through the past few months.
In December, the NV Energy technician had a colonoscopy and learned he had colon cancer. Soon afterward, he underwent surgery to remove a tumor.