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Time to spell it out ASAP

When he was left alone in an office with his medical record open on the doctor’s desk, a longtime friend of mine admitted curiosity got the best of him and he went over to see his file.

Shriners need new blood to keep going

Smiling, 17-year-old Samantha McClean walks down the stairs of her Henderson home with examples of her artwork under her arm. As she hurriedly makes her way to the living room, there is nothing about her entrance that suggests anything more or less than normalcy.

With gift of organs, a life is restored

Ten years earlier, her Type 1 diabetes had already cost her the vision in one eye.

Think ahead to prevent falls

It was 2005 and retired Gen. Paul Tibbets, who led the A-bomb mission on Hiroshima, sat in the living room of his Ohio home and spoke about the role the Wendover airfield on the Nevada-Utah border played in the planning of the first use of the atomic bomb.