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Forget stigma, boomers: Get tested for hepatis C

While it’s possible the government’s position on transmission of hepatitis C among boomers may have resulted in less testing, it’s critical today boomers forget any fears of stigma and get the easy blood test.

99-year-old says scotch, cigars and sex are the secret to a long life

Gladys Stroud turns 100-years-old on Friday. If she’s not playing board games, she’s exercising, drinking scotch at happy hours, babysitting her great, great, great, grandson or enjoying live theatre either in Las Vegas or Los Angeles.

Las Vegas teen uses education to motivate and inspire students

At age 15, Oscar Ho sounds much older than his years. He says his parents help motivate him but some students don’t get that at home. “I try to show students what they can do when they apply themselves. When they get excited and do well, it’s a great feeling.”

Saudi Arabia got the best of Nevada Assemblywoman

Shannon Bilbray Axelrod listed herself as a foreign agent for Saudia Arabia just weeks before she was elected to the Nevada Assembly. Do we really want someone in Carson City who, at the behest of the Saudis, has done what she called “outreach”— lobbying that pits the veterans’ community against the 9/11 families?

UMC leader hopes health care law replacement doesn’t swell uninsured ranks

UMC’s senior leadership team says that if the levels of uninsured go back to what they were a few years years — 35 percent of patients didn’t have insurance — taxpayer money would again be needed to bail out the public hospital.

Las Vegas police who caught suspect in deaths of homeless men empathized with victims

While the creative technique that Las Vegas police used to catch a suspect in the beating deaths of two homeless men — the suspect repeatedly beat a blanketed decoy with a hammer — is impressive, the compassion and empathy they exhibited in taking on the case may be even more impressive.

Volunteerism creates a special kind of senior moment

Herb Randall, who was awarded the Silver and Bronze Star medals for valor in Vietnam, knows the importance of helping others. Four years ago he began the Nevada Senior Citizen Award, an honor that goes to a senior citizen for helping other seniors.

Should presidents give more credit to speech writers?

When a president gives an address, people often get a sense of his character by what he says. When you find out that lofty rhetoric attributed to the head of state such as “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country,” is not his, it’s difficult not to think his character is wanting. Why not give credit where credit is due?