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For Middle East Christians, Weidenfeld a true lifesaver

Christianity, whose presence in the Middle East predates Islam’s by 600 years, is about to be cleansed from the Middle East. Egyptian Copts may have found some respite under Abdel Fatah al-Sissi, but after their persecution under the previous Muslim Brotherhood government, they know how precarious their existence in 90 percent Muslim Egypt remains. Elsewhere, it’s much worse. Twenty-one Copts were beheaded by the Islamic State affiliate in Libya for the crime of being Christian. In those large swaths of Syria and Iraq where the Islamic State rules, the consequences for Christians are terrible — enslavement, exile, torture, massacre, crucifixion.

Primaries start now

It has begun.

It’s all about them

See, Las Vegas? This is why we can’€™t have nice things. The Department of Motor Vehicles has disabled the remote access feature of the “Dash Pass”€ system, because too many people were signing up but never showing up.

Audacity doesn’t trump the law in NLV recall

If nothing else, you have to give North Las Vegas Municipal Court Judge Catherine Ramsey credit for boldness and audacity.

Iran agreement goes from bad to worse

When you write a column, as did I two weeks ago, headlined "The worst agreement in U.S. diplomatic history," you don‘t expect to revisit the issue. We had hit bottom. Or so I thought. Then on Tuesday, the final terms of the Iranian nuclear deal were published. I was wrong.

The story in the numbers

There are plenty of numbers in politics, some that are quite meaningful and others that don‘€™t mean much.

Can Democrats find anyone to do the switcheroo?

Southern Nevada‘€™s Democrats seemingly have more candidates in the 4th Congressional District than there are zombies in "€œThe Walking Dead,"€ but nobody to carry the party‘€™s banner in the 3rd District in 2016.

Pardon our dust

Switching to a new computer system comes with its share of headaches; please bear with us as we do that on this blog.

A monumental designation

A stroke of the president’s pen on Friday appeared to put some Nevadans in danger of having a stroke.

Show Pluto some cosmic love

We need a pick-me-up. Amid the vandalizing of Palmyra, the imminent extinction of the northern white rhino, the disarray threatening Europe’s most ambitious attempt ever at peaceful unification — amid plague and pestilence and, by God, in the middle of Shark Week — where can humanity turn for uplift?