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ESAs blocked, but only for right now

Although the Nevada Supreme Court on Thursday blocked the Education Savings Account program from going into effect immediately, it’s still alive and well.

Trump more conventional than he lets on

They say Donald Trump is the change-maker, the unconventional outsider who’s nothing like anybody else on the national stage and who will bring change to Washington, D.C. and make American great again!

To win, Trump must tell hard truths about economy

Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee for president in 2012, was afraid to tell the truth. He thought it was too dark. It’s time for Donald Trump to trust American voters with the truth.

Root: Obamacare is crippling the U.S. economy

President Obama and his socialist cabal, supported by the mainstream media, have perpetrated the world’s biggest Ponzi scheme with Obamacare.

Bad week for race relations

Last week was not a good one for racial sensitivity in Las Vegas.

Clinton just sick about coming email debacle

The Democratic nominee for president thought she had destroyed State Department messages. Those emails are about to come back to bite her — and ruin her campaign.

Recovery? What recovery?

After eight long years of lies and propaganda from the Obama administration and its lackeys in the mainstream media, it’s time to call Barack Obama exactly what he is: the worst president ever.

Say it, Trump! Say it!

It was almost enough to make you feel sorry for Donald Trump. Almost.