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Gov. Sandoval plans to call special session for proposed Raiders stadium

Gov. Brian Sandoval on Wednesday said he will call a special session of the Legislature in early October to consider a package of recommendations for Clark County that include building a 65,000-seat football stadium, expanding the Las Vegas Convention Center and paying for more police officers.

Nevada legislators awaiting more details on Las Vegas stadium issue

Some state lawmakers are cheering the prospect of having the NFL’s Oakland Raiders take up residence in Las Vegas, but they’re on the sidelines on how a $1.9 billion stadium should be financed.

Clark County moves to fill 2 Assembly vacancies in time for special session

Five seats in the Nevada Legislature — three from the north and two from the south — will be filled through appointment by county commissioners to serve in the anticipated special session to consider public financing of a proposed NFL stadium in Las Vegas and other taxes.

Special session for stadium could proceed in early October

Nevada lawmakers seem to favor the first week of October, or just over two weeks from now, for a special session to approve a stadium funding plan.

More Cops tax hike heads to Nevada Legislature along with stadium proposal

Thursday’s call for a special session of the Nevada Legislature includes more than a $1.9 billion domed stadium and a room tax increase to help pay the bill, but also includes a sales tax increase to hire more police officers.