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Sandoval seeks opinion on his power to slow Syrian refugee flow

Gov. Brian Sandoval on Wednesday asked for a legal opinion from Attorney General Adam Laxalt on the governor’s authority over the relocation and resettlement processes for refugees in Nevada.

Sharron Angle initiative addresses protecting student data

Potential GOP U.S. Senate candidate Sharron Angle on Thursday announced that a petition drive is underway asking voters to protect personal student data now being collected as part of Nevada’s education reform efforts.

Sanders campaign to launch Spanish ads in Nevada

The campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders plans to launch Spanish radio ads this week in Nevada markets highlighting the Vermont U.S. senator’s roots as the son of a Polish immigrant.

Fiore loses license for home health care business

State regulators pulled the license of Assemblywoman Michele Fiore’s home health care business in Las Vegas on Tuesday after inspectors found the business closed, but were unable to reach her.

Fiore files as Congressional candidate

Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, R-Las Vegas, has filed as a candidate with the Federal Election Commission to run for U.S. Rep. Joe Heck’s 3rd Congressional District seat.

Reid wants to use campaign funds for post-retirement assistant

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid has asked the Federal Election Commission for an opinion on whether he can tap his campaign fund to pay for a full-time assistant after he’s retired from the Senate.