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Final impact of CCSD budget deficit extends beyond jobs lost

Through most of 2017, the size of the deficit and its impact on jobs were moving targets. Now that the School Board closed the roughly $62 million hole, it’s simply a sad chapter that further eroded trust in Nevada’s education system.

Drama envelops Teachers Health Trust in Clark County

Lawsuits, buyouts, silence leave future of embattled health-care provider for Clark County School District teachers and other staff in doubt.

Clark County School employees sue Teachers Health Trust

Class-action lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that employees paid more for health care than was promised and in some cases were sued over unpaid medical bills or were refused medical treatment.

Nevada’s increased education spending tries to hit a moving target

As the state’s population grows more diverse, more funding is going to help students from low-income families and English language learners. But education advocates say that doesn’t lift kids who aren’t in those challenged groups.