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States sue Trump administration over family separations at border

Seventeen states sued the Trump administration Tuesday to force it to reunite the thousands of immigrant children and parents it separated at the border.

Protesters heckle Kirstjen Nielsen at Mexican restaurant

About a dozen protesters heckled Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen about the Trump administration’s immigration policy as she ate dinner at a Mexican restaurant in Washington.

Recording stokes anger over separating families at US border

An audio recording that appears to capture the heartbreaking voices of small Spanish-speaking children crying out for their parents at a U.S. immigration facility took center stage Monday.

Family separation policy along US border splintering GOP

The emotional policy of separating children from their parents is also starting to divide Republicans and their allies as Democrats turn up the pressure.

White House, Sessions cite Bible in defense of border policy

Congressional Republicans distanced themselves Thursday from the Trump administration’s policy of separating children from their parents at the southern border even as the White House cited the Bible in defending its “zero tolerance” approach to illegal border crossings.

1 year after shooting, lawmakers stand firm on gun rights

Sentiment is widespread among Republicans, who say the attack has only strengthened their commitment to protecting gun rights.

Trump claims North Korea no longer a nuclear threat

America and the world can “sleep well tonight,” President Donald Trump declared on Wednesday, boasting that his summit with Kim Jong Un had ended any nuclear threat from North Korea though the meeting produced no details on how or when weapons might be eliminated or even reduced.

Trump optimistic Kim will remain committed to nuclear deal

President Donald Trump said Tuesday that he believes North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will live up to the terms and spirit of their agreement “to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”

Warriors, Cavs say they’re not going to White House

On the day when the Philadelphia Eagles were supposed to be there to commemorate winning the Super Bowl — a visit that was canceled by President Donald Trump and had the White House accusing players who weren’t planning on attending of abandoning their fans — Curry and James were among those speaking out at the NBA Finals in support of the Eagles.