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President Trump announces new national security strategy

President Donald Trump declared a new national security strategy on Monday, stressing the “America first” message of his 2016 campaign and faulting previous U.S. leaders for failing to measure up to it and look out for the nation’s citizens.

Ex-Trump adviser Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to FBI

Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, admits he lied to the FBI in January about two December phone calls he had with then Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Trump all but endorses Roy Moore despite sexual assault accusations

Silent for more than a week, President Donald Trump all but endorsed embattled Alabama Republican Senate nominee Roy Moore on Tuesday, discounting the sexual assault allegations against him and insisting repeatedly that voters must not support Moore’s “liberal” rival.

Facebook says Russian ads seen by as many as 126M users

Major tech companies plan to tell Congress Tuesday that they have found additional evidence of Russian activity on their services surrounding the 2016 U.S. election.

Pentagon chief Mattis says diplomacy, not war to end Korean crisis

On his first visit to the tense but eerily quiet frontier between North and South Korea as U.S. secretary of defense, Jim Mattis conveyed the message he hopes will win the day: Diplomacy is the answer to ending the nuclear crisis with the North, not war.

Obama back on campaign trail, lashes out at politics of division

Former President Barack Obama called on fellow Democrats to reject politics of “division” and “fear” while rallying on Thursday with party’s candidates for governors in Virginia and New Jersey.

Trump to stop subsidies to health insurers

In a brash move likely to roil insurance markets, President Donald Trump will “immediately” halt payments to insurers under the Obama-era health care law he has been trying to unravel for months.

Trump criticizes San Juan mayor over Puerto Rico disaster response

President Donald Trump on Saturday lashed out at the mayor of San Juan and other officials in storm-ravaged Puerto Rico, contemptuous of their claims of a laggard U.S. response to the natural disaster that has imperiled the island’s future.

Trump will visit Puerto Rico next week

President Donald Trump says he’ll visit hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico next Tuesday.

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