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Loyal GOP vote includes big block of Latinos despite Trump policies

Though Latino voters are a key part of the Democratic coalition, there is a larger bloc of reliable Republican Latinos than many think. And the GOP’s position among Latinos has not weakened during the Trump administration.

Government shutdown likely to stretch into next week or beyond

Federal employees were headed for a long government shutdown after Congress returned to the Capitol on Thursday and promptly adjourned after negotiations with the White House broke down with no clear path to resolve the impasse.

National Christmas tree dark before charity dollars allow reopening

The lights were not twinkling. The toy trains were not whirring. Even the nearby bathrooms were locked. The national Christmas tree, symbol of a country’s seasonal cheer, instead stood as an icon of a government in paralysis, as the partial shutdown stretched into the holiday.

Government shutdown likely to stretch into next week or beyond

President Donald Trump was meeting with his Homeland Security secretary and other officials on Monday to discuss border security issues as a partial government shutdown over his U.S.-Mexico border wall entered Christmas without a clear resolution in sight.

Mnuchin attempts to reassure bank CEOs amid Wall St. jitters

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin called the CEOs of six major banks Sunday in an apparent attempt to reassure jittery financial markets coming off a turbulent week in the stock market that is now bracing for potential repercussions from a partial shutdown of the U.S. government.

Mattis to leave Defense Secretary post on Jan. 1

President Donald Trump announced on Sunday that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will now leave his post on Jan. 1, tweeting that deputy Pentagon chief Patrick Shanahan will take over as acting secretary to cover the accelerated departure.

Government shutdown expected to last past Christmas

The partial federal shutdown was expected to drag into Christmas as President Donald Trump and congressional leaders remained stuck in a standoff over his border wall with Mexico with no breakthrough Saturday.

Syria sends reinforcements east after Trump’s withdrawal plan

Syrian troops have sent reinforcements to the eastern province of Deir el-Zour close to an enclave controlled by the Islamic State group and along the front with U.S.-backed Kurdish-led fighters, a war monitor and pro-government pages on social media said Saturday.

Melania Trump’s topiary trees prove a hit at Christmas parties

Melania Trump’s cranberry topiary trees may have left some of her critics seeing red, but they turned out to be a Christmas hit — one of several new ideas the Trumps introduced this holiday season.