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Senate moves closer to vote on sweeping tax-reform bill

The Senate edged closer Thursday to a historic vote on a sweeping rewrite of the nation’s tax code that includes cuts for corporations, businesses and individuals, but would heap $1.4 trillion onto the national debt over 10 years.

It’s not too early for 2019 Las Vegas City Council race to begin

There’s also been talk at City Hall about moving municipal races to November of even-numbered years, to sync up with Clark County’s cycle and state and federal elections, but the council hasn’t voted on an Election Day move.

Senior officials say Trump may have ‘plan to oust’ Tillerson

President Donald Trump is considering a plan to oust Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who has had a strained relationship with his boss over North Korea and other issues, senior administration officials said on Thursday.

Pelosi says Conyers should resign from Congress

The top Democrat in the House on Thursday called on Michigan Rep. John Conyers to resign in the face of multiple accusations of sexual misconduct against the longest-serving member of the House.

Trump lashes out on Twitter at wrong Theresa May

President Donald Trump initially responded on Twitter to British Prime Minister Theresa May’s criticism of his retweeting of inflammatory anti-Muslim videos from a fringe British political group by directing his message to the wrong Theresa May.

Sen. Hammond talks taxes, sexual harassment, school choice — VIDEO

In his bid to represent Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District, state Sen. Scott Hammond, R-Las Vegas, wants tax reform, Obamacare repealed and federal legislation encouraging school choice. Hammond made his comments while appearing on Nevada Politics Today.