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In Christmas message, Pope Francis laments children in war, poverty

Pope Francis urged Christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus by thinking about the plight of today’s children, bemoaning how some must escape bombs or flee in migrant boats and how others are prevented from being born at all.

In Christmas speech, Pope offers blistering commentary on resistance to reform

Pope Francis on Thursday denounced the “hidden” resistance he’s encountering in reforming the Vatican bureaucracy, saying some of it is inspired by the devil and that the prelates who work for him must undergo “permanent purification” to serve the Catholic Church better.

Pope calls Teresa a model of mercy, declares her a saint

Pope Francis declared Mother Teresa a saint on Sunday, praising the tiny nun for having taken in society’s most unwanted and for having shamed world leaders for the “crimes of poverty they themselves created.”

Pope Francis returns home from global youth rally, visit to Auschwitz

Pope Francis encouraged hundreds of thousands of young people at a global gathering Sunday to “believe in a new humanity” that is stronger than evil and refuses to see borders as barriers.

Bernie Sanders says he met with Pope Francis

Sanders said the meeting took place Saturday morning before the pope left for his one-day visit to Greece.

Pope emphasizes flexibility over rules for modern families

In a sweeping document on family life that opened a door to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics, Pope Francis insisted Friday that church doctrine cannot bethe final word in answering tricky moral questions and that Catholics must be guided by their own informed consciences.

Mormon leader urges tolerance despite political views at Utah conference

Mormon leaders called on members to practice tolerance despite political differences, providing the faith’s U.S. members guidance at a church conference Saturday amid a presidential campaign marked by harsh rhetoric and bickering.

Pope denounces ‘blind’ terrorism in Easter message

Pope Francis tempered his Easter Sunday message of Christian hope with a denunciation of “blind” terrorism, recalling victims of attacks in Europe, Africa and elsewhere.