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In Christmas message, Pope Francis laments children in war, poverty

Pope Francis urged Christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus by thinking about the plight of today’s children, bemoaning how some must escape bombs or flee in migrant boats and how others are prevented from being born at all.

In Christmas speech, Pope offers blistering commentary on resistance to reform

Pope Francis on Thursday denounced the “hidden” resistance he’s encountering in reforming the Vatican bureaucracy, saying some of it is inspired by the devil and that the prelates who work for him must undergo “permanent purification” to serve the Catholic Church better.

Churches stage living Nativity scenes during Glittering Lights

John Bentham experienced his first living Nativity at the First United Methodist Church in Richardson, Texas, where he grew up. Now 46 and the owner of Ivory Star Productions, he has brought a living Nativity element to the annual Glittering Lights show, which his company produces.

Clergy members in Las Vegas Valley feel stress, too; here’s how they cope

Perhaps more than most, ministers, rabbis and other religious leaders understand the role stress plays in our society and the challenges it presents. They feel it, too. Here’s how some of them cope with the pressures of their work.