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Terri Schlichenmeyer

‘Charlie Joe Jackson’s Guide to NOT Reading’ is a fun read

All summer long, you’ve managed to avoid anything that even remotely resembles school. You get enough of it from now until spring, so why add to the misery, right? And yeah, you’ve been reading all summer long, but that doesn’t count because reading is fun.

TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER:’Best in Show’ is ‘abso-poodley’ cute fun

Who has the best dog in the world? Um, that would be you, right? There’s no other dog like yours, and if you put your pup up against every other dog in the neighborhood, the city or even the entire country, you know who would win. Whether Fido is a flea-bag or Buster is a blue-ribbon-getter, your dog is a winner with you.

BOOK REVIEW: Readers will get caught up in 3-D sports book

If anybody asks, you’re the kid who knows the score. You can rattle off your favorite teams’ standing. You know who leads in career touchdowns and career goals. You can describe the butterfly, the crawl, the trudgen and you know who does them best. Is there anything better than watching a game?