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Terri Schlichenmeyer

Transgender teen shares triumphs and traumas in new book

As a very small child, Jazz Jennings knew that something was wrong with the way adults were acting toward her. Her parents dressed her in boy clothes, gave her trucks and said things like “Good boy!” But Jennings knew even before she could speak that they were wrong. She was a girl, though her body said otherwise.

Star struck kids may think cosmos host biography is stellar

Born a few days before the National Aeronautics and Space Administration began, Neil deGrasse Tyson likes to say he’s the same age as NASA. By the time he was 9 years old, he was “in love with the night sky” and at 11, he knew he wanted to be an astrophysicist.

Canine time traveler takes to Oregon Trail in new book

The box hummed and a white light came from the edges of it. Ranger couldn’t look at the light but when he finally opened his eyes, he was in a dusty, loud place with big animals, funny smells — and a woman’s frantic voice. Someone was lost, and Ranger heard a familiar word: “FIND!”

‘M is for Monster’ may result in nightmares for younger readers

You probably wouldn’t think that an alphabet book could be for older kids but “M is for Monster” by J. Patrick Lewis, illustrated by Gerald Kelley definitely is. Small, sensitive children may run, screaming, into a bedtime full of nightmares after they see what’s inside this book. The artwork is incredible but it works its magic entirely too well for little ones.

Book helps kids deal with a parent having cancer

Truthfully, the bad news came as no surprise. Your Mom hadn’t been feeling well lately and for weeks, you’d heard your parents whispering.