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Special airfares less expensive than going out to dinner

Some airlines are holding flash sales for domestic and international flights this week that could make leaving town cheaper than a nice dinner out.

Airport towers in Las Vegas, San Francisco need retrofitting

Two state-of-the-art airport towers due to go into operation this fall in San Francisco and Las Vegas will first need extensive remodeling to make room for technology that dates backs to the early days of air traffic control, according to union officials.

25 coolest places in the US to visit with kids

From breathtaking national parks and natural wonders to one-of-a-kind museums and attractions, there are plenty of places in the U.S. that will wow both kids and parents. Read on to see 25 of the coolest places in the U.S. to visit with kids.

7 tips for finding last-minute Thanksgiving travel deals

Flight prices will increase during Thanksgiving, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find cheap flights. Here are a few tips to help you find last-minute Thanksgiving travel deals.